Home Repairs Programs: Grant Funding Available

Exciting news! The Lead and Healthy Homes program has received a new federal HUD grant! We cover Dubuque, Delaware, Cedar, Clinton and Jackson Counties and now expanded to Jones and Scott counties! Our home repair program is FREE to those that income qualify. What do we repair? If we find lead in an older home (built before 1978) we can do more repairs in the name of safety and health. Many homes/rentals get new windows, siding, doors, and we remove any home health hazards. We test every home or rental for radon. We do an average of $25-30,000 worth of work. The program is FREE to homeowners, and is only 10% of total cost to Property/ Land Owners. What if I am interested in the program? You can fill out our interest form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSffMqCUM6crWyJxb6JYeDKS3d_wKC778JPy2kRgryWcsS0wfg/viewform. You can also call 563-690-5776 or email homerepairs@ecia.org. This is our webpage https://www.ecia.org/programs/ecia_home_repair_program.php for more details. Here is the link to our NEW facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61560815055657

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